SonicMaps Player Update - Version 2.5
by SonicMaps
28 March 2023
What's New
- Ducking Effect: Introduced a new Ducking Effect to improve the clarity of voices when combined with other background sounds.
- Ducking and Fade Effects: Resolved issues related to Ducking and Fade effects, ensuring smoother functionality.
- POI List Display: Fixed the problem of the POI list displaying outside the map page, such as in "My Account."
- Vimeo player: Implemented the 'swipes' callback to call event.stopImmediatePropagation, improving interaction with Vimeoplayer.
- Vimeo Player and POI List: Fixed the issue where the Vimeo player covered the POI list by repositioning it when projects use POIs.
- Video Zones Error Handling: Resolved errors related to video zones by excluding them from audio-related code.
- Zone Unloading and Fade Out: Fixed a bug in zone unloading and improved audio fade-out behavior upon exit (i.e., grey zone)
- Info Cards: Removed #cardtext min-height property (previously 80px when zone had text, and 10px if zone had no text)